
跳转至: 导航搜索
第1行: 第1行:
{{documentation subpage}}
{{documentation subpage}}
<!-- 请在本页最底部添加分类与跨语言链接。 -->
<includeonly>{{pp-template}}</includeonly>{{intricate template}}
This template is intended as a meta-template: a template used for constructing other templates. It is not meant for use directly in an article, but can be used on a one-off basis if required. See [[Help:Infobox]] for an introduction to infoboxes and information on how to design them. See [[:Category:Infobox templates]] for specific infobox templates.
本模板为一系列模板的元模板,亦即本模版将用于构建其他模板。请勿在条目中直接使用此模板。参见[[Help:信息框|Help:-{zh-hans:信息框; zh-hant:資訊框}-]]以获取创建通用信息框的进一步方法。
=== Usage ===
Usage is similar to {{tl|navbox}}, but with an additional distinction. Each row on the table can contain either a header, or a label/data pair, or just a data cell. These are mutually exclusive states so if you define a row with both a header and a label/data pair, the label/data pair is ignored.
=== 用法 ===
To insert an image somewhere other than at the top of the infobox, or to insert freeform data, use a row with only a data field.
本模板与{{tl|navbox}}的用法相似,但也有一些不同之处。表格中的每一行既可以是顶栏(header),也可以是成对的标签(label)与-{A|zh-hans:数据; zh-hant:資料;}-(data),甚至还可以只是一个数据单元。每行只能有一种状态,且具有优先级:当你将一行同时定义为顶栏与标签/数据对,那么标签/数据对的定义将会被忽略。
==== Number ranges ====
Row numbers may be from 1 to 80 (for situations where more than 80 rows are required, see [[#Embedding|Embedding]] below). To allow flexibility when the layout of an infobox is changed, it may be helpful when developing an infobox to use non-contiguous numbers for header and label/data rows. Parameters for new rows can then be inserted in future without having to renumber existing parameters. For example:
<pre>|header3  = Section 1
|label5  = Label A
|data5    = Data B
|label7  = Label C
|data7    = Data C
|header10 = Section 2
|label12  = Label D
|data12  = Data D</pre>
=== 参数 ===
=== Parameters ===
====View/discuss/edit links====
:If this parameter is present, "view/discuss/edit" links will be added to the bottom of the infobox, pointing to the named template. You can use <nowiki>{{subst:PAGENAME}}</nowiki>.
==== “-{A|zh-hans:查看; zh-hant:檢視}-/讨论/编辑/历史”链接 ====
:However this is rarely what you want, because it will send users clicking these links in an infobox in an article to the template code rather than the data in the infobox that they probably want to change.
;name : “查看/讨论/编辑/历史”链接需要指向模板页的名称(name)。你可以填写<nowiki>{{subst:PAGENAME}}</nowiki>。如果此参数未填,则“查看/讨论/编辑/历史”链接不会显示。
==== 标题 ====
|title = 信息框外的标题文本
|title = Text in caption over infobox
|data1 = (信息框的其余部分)
|subheader = Subheader of the infobox
|data1 = (the rest of the infobox goes here)
|above = 信息框内的标题文本
|above = Text in uppermost cell of infobox
|data1 = (信息框的其余部分)
|subheader = Subheader of the infobox
|subheader2 = Second subheader of the infobox
|data1 = (the rest of the infobox goes here)
There are two different ways to put a title on an infobox. One contains the title inside the infobox's border, the other puts it on top as a caption. You can use both of them together if you like, or just one or the other, or even neither (though this is not recommended).
;title : 填写在信息框表格外顶部的标题文本。
;title : Text to put in the caption over top of the table.
;above : 填写在信息框表格内顶部单元的标题文本。
;above : Text to put within the uppermost cell of the table.
==== 可选项 ====
====Optional content====
; image : 在模板上部显示的图像。请使用完整的图像语法,例如<nowiki>[[File:example.png|200px]]</nowiki>。图像的位置默认为居中。
;subheader, subheader2 : additional title fields which fit below {{{title}}} and {{{above}}}.
;caption : 位于图像下方的说明文本。
;image, image2 : images to display at the top of the template. Use full image syntax, for example <nowiki>[[File:example.png|200px|alt=Example alt text]]</nowiki>. Image is centered by default. See [[WP:ALT]] for more on alt text.
;header(n) : 填入第n行的'''顶栏'''文本。
;caption, caption2 : Text to put underneath the images.
;label(n): 填入第n行的'''标签'''文本。
;header(n) : Text to use as a header in row n.
;data(n): 填入第n行的'''数据'''文本。
;label(n): Text to use as a label in row n.
;below: 填写在信息框表格底部单元的文本。底部单元一般用来填写脚注、参见及其他类似的信息。
;data(n): Text to display as data in row n.
;below: Text to put in the bottom cell. The bottom cell is intended for footnotes, see-also, and other such information.
;child: See the [[#Embedding|embedding]] section for details.
==== 可选的CSS风格 ====
Note: for any given value for (n), not all combinations of parameters are permitted. The presence of a {{para|header''(n)''}} will cause the corresponding {{para|data''(n)''}}{{para|label''(n)''}} (and {{para|rowclass''(n)''}}, see below) to be ignored; the absence of a {{para|data''(n)''}} will cause the corresponding {{para|label''(n)''}} to be ignored. Valid combinations for any single row are:
;bodystyle : 应用到信息框表格全体。
*{{para|header''(n)''}} {{para|class''(n)''}}
;titlestyle : 应用到信息框表格外的标题中。不建议在此处填写背景颜色(background color),因为该处的文字位于信息框外。
*{{para|data''(n)''}} {{para|rowclass''(n)''}} {{para|class''(n)''}}
;abovestyle : 应用到信息框表格内顶部单元中。默认的风格为“font-size:large;”(字号设为大号),因为该单元常被用作标题。如果你希望让顶部单元以正常字号显示,只需在该处填写的内容中包含“font-size:medium;”。
*{{para|label''(n)''}} {{para|data''(n)''}} {{para|rowclass''(n)''}} {{para|class''(n)''}}
;imagestyle : 应用到信息框的图像单元中,包括图像下方的说明文本。但是,出于兼容性与未来修改的考虑,如果你需要设置说明文本的属性,请使用captionstyle而不要使用imagestyle。
See the rendering of header4, label4, and data4 in the examples section below.
;captionstyle : 应用到图像说明文本中。
;headerstyle : 应用到所有的顶栏单元。
;labelstyle : 应用到所有的标签单元。
;datastyle : 应用到所有的数据单元。
;belowstyle : 应用到底部单元中。
==== 微格式 ====
====Optional CSS styling====
;bodyclass: 该参数影响信息框整体的类(class)。
;bodystyle : Applies to the infobox table as a whole
;imageclass: 该参数影响图像的类;在某些特殊情况中,可以把{{tl|Image class names}}填写在此参数内。
;titlestyle : Applies only to the title caption. Adding a background color is usually inadvisable since the text is rendered "outside" the infobox.
;class(n): 该参数影响特定行数据单元的类。如果信息框没有数据单元,则不会产生作用。
;abovestyle : Applies only to the "above" cell at the top. The default style has font-size:large; since this cell is usually used for a title, if you want to use the above cell for regular-sized text include "font-size:medium;" in the abovestyle.
;titleclass: 该参数影响信息框外标题的类。
;imagestyle : Applies to the cell the image is in. This includes the text of the image caption, but you should set text properties with captionstyle instead of imagestyle in case the caption is moved out of this cell in the future.
;aboveclass: 该参数影响信息框内标题的类。
;captionstyle : Applies to the text of the image caption.
;headerstyle : Applies to all header cells
;labelstyle : Applies to all label cells
;datastyle : Applies to all data cells
;belowstyle : Applies only to the below cell
==== HTML classes ====
;bodyclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox as a whole.
;titleclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's title caption.
;aboveclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's "above" cell.
; aboverowclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the complete table row the "above" cell is on.
; subheaderclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's subheader.
; subheaderrowclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the complete table row the subheader is on.
;imageclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the image.
; imagerowclass1, imagerowclass2 : These parameters are inserted into the "class" attribute for the complete table row the respective images are on.
;rowclass(n) : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the specified row '''including''' the label or other explanatory text.
;class(n) : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the data cell of the specified row. If there's no data cell it has no effect.
;belowclass : This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's below cell.
==== Microformats ====
This template supports the addition of microformat information. This is done by adding "class" attributes to various data cells, indicating what kind of information is contained within. To flag an infobox as containing [[hCard]] information, for example, add the following parameter:
第60行: 第92行:
And for each row containing a data cell that's part of the vcard, add a corresponding class parameter:
第68行: 第100行:
...and so forth. "above" and "title" can also be given classes, since these are usually used to display the name of the subject of the infobox.
See [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Microformats]] for more information on adding microformat information to Wikipedia, and [[microformat]] for more information on microformats in general.
请在[[Wikipedia:專題/微格式]]以获取在维基百科添加微格式信息的进一步信息,访问[http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page microformats.org]网站亦能获取更一般性的信息。
====Italic titles====
Titles of articles with infoboxes may be made italic, in line with [[WP:ITALICTITLE]], by passing the <code>italic title</code> parameter.
*Turn on italic titles by passing {{para|italic title|<nowiki>{{{italic title|}}}</nowiki>}} from the infobox.
*Turn off by default but allow some instances to be made italic by passing {{para|italic title|<nowiki>{{{italic title|no}}}</nowiki>}}
*Do not make any titles italic by not passing the parameter at all.
=== 表格域可选项 ===
===Making fields optional===
A row with a label but no data is not displayed. This allows for the easy creation of optional infobox content rows. To make a row optional use a parameter that defaults to an empty string, like so:
|label5 = 人口
|label5 = Population
|data5  = {{{population|}}}
|data5  = {{{population|}}}
This way if an article doesn't define the population parameter in its infobox the row won't be displayed.
如果表格的一行填写的是预设格式内容(即除了参数外,还有其他内容),而又希望让该行成为可选项的话,你可以通过“#if”语句实现。当参数为空时,令所有的内容均不被呈现。譬如,在下面的例子里,“#if”会判断参数“mass”是否不为空,若不为空则显示它,并跟上“-{A|zh-hans:千克; zh-hant:公斤;}-”的后缀:
For more complex fields with pre-formated contents that would still be present even if the parameter wasn't set, you can wrap it all in an "#if" statement to make the whole thing vanish when the parameter is not used. For instance, the "#if" statement in the following example reads "#if:the parameter ''mass'' has been supplied |then display it, followed by 'kg'":
|label6 = 质量
|label6 = Mass
|data6  = {{#if:{{{mass|}}} |{{{mass}}}千克}}
|data6  = {{#if:{{{mass|}}}|{{{mass}}} kg}}
For more on #if, see [[meta:ParserFunctions##if:|here]].
You can also make headers optional in a similar way. If you want a header to appear only if one or more of the data fields that fall under it are filled, one could use the following pattern as an example of how to do it:
<pre style="overflow:auto;">
<pre style="overflow:auto;">{{Infobox
|name    = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
|name    = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
|title  = 可选顶栏的用例
|title  = Example of an optional header
|header1 = {{#if:{{{item_one|}}}{{{item_two|}}}{{{item_three|}}} |可选顶栏}}
|header1 = {{#if:{{{item_one|}}}{{{item_two|}}}{{{item_three|}}}|Optional header}}
|label2  = 项目一
|label2  = Item one
|data2  = {{{item_one|}}}
|data2  = {{{item_one|}}}
|label3  = 项目二
|label3  = Item two
|data3  = {{{item_two|}}}
|data3  = {{{item_two|}}}
|label4  = 项目三
|label4  = Item three
|data4  = {{{item_three|}}}
|data4  = {{{item_three|}}}
header1 will be shown if any of item_one, item_two, or item_three is defined. If none of the three parameters are defined the header won't be shown.
The trick to this is that the "if" returns false only if there is nothing whatsoever in the conditional section, so only if all three of item_one, item_two and item_three are undefined will the if statement fail.
=== 用例 ===
|name        = Infobox
|name        = Infobox/doc
|bodystyle    =  
|bodystyle    =  
|title        = 测试信息框
|title        = Test Infobox
|titlestyle  =  
|titlestyle  =  
|image        = [[File:example.png|200px]]
|image        = [[File:example.png|200px|alt=Example alt text]]
|imagestyle  =  
|imagestyle  =  
|caption      = Caption for example.png
|caption      = Caption for example.png
第125行: 第162行:
|datastyle    =  
|datastyle    =  
|header1 = 独自定义的顶栏
|header1 = Header defined alone
|label1  =  
|label1  =  
|data1  =  
|data1  =  
|header2 =  
|header2 =  
|label2  = 独自定义的标签
|label2  = Label defined alone does not display (needs data, or is suppressed)
|data2  =  
|data2  =  
|header3 =
|header3 =
|label3  =  
|label3  =  
|data3  = 独自定义的数据
|data3  = Data defined alone
|header4 = 三项均有定义(顶栏)
|header4 = All three defined (header, label, data, all with same number)
|label4  = 三项均有定义(标签)
|label4  = does not display (same number as a header)
|data4  = 三项均有定义(数据)
|data4  = does not display (same number as a header)
|header5 =
|header5 =
|label5  = 标签和数据有定义(标签)
|label5  = Label and data defined (label)
|data5  = 标签和数据有定义(数据)
|data5  = Label and data defined (data)
|belowstyle = background:#ddf;
|belowstyle = background:#ddf;
|below = 下方文本
|below = Below text
<pre style="overflow:auto;">
<pre style="overflow:auto">{{Infobox
|name        = Infobox/doc
|name        = Infobox
|bodystyle    =  
|bodystyle    =  
|title        = 测试信息框
|title        = Test Infobox
|titlestyle  =  
|titlestyle  =  
|image        = [[File:example.png|200px]]
|image        = [[File:example.png|200px|alt=Example alt text]]
|imagestyle  =  
|imagestyle  =  
|caption      = Caption for example.png
|caption      = Caption for example.png
第159行: 第196行:
|datastyle    =  
|datastyle    =  
|header1 = 独自定义的顶栏
|header1 = Header defined alone
|label1  =  
|label1  =  
|data1  =  
|data1  =  
|header2 =  
|header2 =  
|label2  = 独自定义的标签
|label2  = Label defined alone does not display (needs data, or is suppressed)
|data2  =  
|data2  =  
|header3 =
|header3 =
|label3  =  
|label3  =  
|data3  = 独自定义的数据
|data3  = Data defined alone
|header4 = 三项均有定义(顶栏)
|header4 = All three defined (header, label, data, all with same number)
|label4  = 三项均有定义(标签)
|label4  = does not display (same number as a header)
|data4  = 三项均有定义(数据)
|data4  = does not display (same number as a header)
|header5 =
|header5 =
|label5  = 标签和数据有定义(标签)
|label5  = Label and data defined (label)
|data5  = 标签和数据有定义(数据)
|data5  = Label and data defined (data)
|belowstyle = background:#ddf;
|belowstyle = background:#ddf;
|below = 下方文本
|below = Below text
Notice how when a label is defined without an accompanying data cell the row doesn't appear in the displayed infobox, and when a header is defined on the same row as a data cell all of them are displayed.
在下面的例子中,定义了“<code>{{nowrap|bodystyle {{=}} width:20em;}}</code>”和“<code>{{nowrap|labelstyle {{=}} width:33%;}}</code>”。
For this example, {{nowrap|bodystyle &#0061; width:20em;}} and {{nowrap|labelstyle &#0061; width:33%;}}
|bodystyle   = width:20em;
|bodystyle   = width:20em;
|name         = Infobox
|name       = Infobox/doc
|title       = 测试信息框
|title       = Test Infobox
|titlestyle   =  
|titlestyle =  
|headerstyle =  
|headerstyle =  
|labelstyle   = width:33%;
|labelstyle = width:33%
|datastyle   =  
|datastyle   =  
|header1 =  
|header1 =  
|label1  = 标签1
|label1  = Label 1
|data1  = 数据1
|data1  = Data 1
|header2 =  
|header2 =  
|label2  = 标签2
|label2  = Label 2
|data2  = 数据2
|data2  = Data 2
|header3 =  
|header3 =  
|label3  = 标签3
|label3  = Label 3
|data3  = 数据3
|data3  = Data 3
|header4 = 顶栏4
|header4 = Header 4
|label4  =  
|label4  =  
|data4  =  
|data4  =  
|header5 =  
|header5 =  
|label5  = 标签5
|label5  = Label 5
|data5  = 数据5:叽里呱啦稀里哗啦。
|data5  = Data 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
|belowstyle =  
|belowstyle =  
|below = 下方文本
|below = Below text
<pre style="overflow: auto">
|bodystyle  = width:20em;
|name        = Infobox/doc
|title      = Test Infobox
|titlestyle  =
|headerstyle =
|labelstyle  = width:33%
|datastyle  =
|header1 =
|label1  = Label 1
|data1  = Data 1
|header2 =
|label2  = Label 2
|data2  = Data 2
|header3 =
|label3  = Label 3
|data3  = Data 3
|header4 = Header 4
|label4  =
|data4  =
|header5 =
|label5  = Label 5
|data5  = Data 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
|belowstyle =
|below = Below text
=== 空白模板 ===
One infobox template can be embedded into another using the {{para|child}} parameter.  This feature can be used to create a modular infobox, or to create more well defined logical sections.
| title = Top level title
| data1 = {{Infobox
  | child = yes
  | title = First subsection
  | label1= Label 1.1
  | data1 = Data 1.1
| data2 = {{Infobox
  | child = yes
  | title = Second subsection
  | label1= Label 2.1
  | data1 = Data 2.1
|belowstyle =
|below = Below text
<pre style="overflow:auto">
| title = Top level title
| data1 = {{Infobox
  | child = yes
  | title = First subsection
  | label1= Label 1.1
  | data1 = Data 1.1
| data2 = {{Infobox
  | child = yes
  | title = Second subsection
  | label1= Label 2.1
  | data1 = Data 2.1
|belowstyle =
|below = Below text
Note, in the examples above, the child infobox is placed in a <code>data</code> field, not a <code>header</code> field.  The title will be enclosed in {{tag|b}} bold tags, which can create a "double bolding effect" in some browsers if the child infobox is placed in a <code>header</code> field.  To place the child infobox in a header field and avoid the double bolding effect, use
| title = Top level title
| header1 = First subsection
  | child = yes
  | label1= Label 1.1
  | data1 = Data 1.1
| header2 = Second subsection
  | child = yes
  | label1= Label 2.1
  | data1 = Data 2.1
|belowstyle =
|below = Below text
<pre style="overflow:auto">
| title = Top level title
| header1 = First subsection
  | child = yes
  | label1= Label 1.1
  | data1 = Data 1.1
| header2 = Second subsection
  | child = yes
  | label1= Label 2.1
  | data1 = Data 2.1
|belowstyle =
|below = Below text
=== Full blank syntax ===
(Note: the template currently handles up to 80 rows; only 20 are included here since infoboxes larger than that will be relatively rare. Just extend the numbering as needed. The microformat "class" parameters are also omitted as they are not commonly used.)
<pre style="overflow:auto;">
<pre style="overflow:auto;">
|name        =  
|name        = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
|bodystyle    =  
|bodystyle    =  
|title        =  
|title        =  
第228行: 第368行:
|above        =  
|above        =  
|abovestyle  =  
|abovestyle  =  
|imagestyle  =
|captionstyle =
|image        =  
|image        =  
|imagestyle  =
|caption      =  
|caption      =  
|captionstyle =  
|image2      =  
|caption2    =
|headerstyle  =  
|headerstyle  =  
|labelstyle  =  
|labelstyle  =  
第299行: 第444行:
|belowstyle =
|belowstyle =
|below =  
|below =  
=== 参见 ===
=== Porting to other MediaWikis ===
The infobox template requires the tidy extension to be installed, and may not work with other MediaWikis. The [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Transwiki]] has a version of Infobox that has been modified to work on other MediaWikis.
* {{tl|start infobox page}}
=== See also ===
* {{tl|infobox3cols}}
[[Category:Infobox templates| ]]
[[Category:Templates generating microformats]]
[[Category:Wikipedia metatemplates|Infobox]]
[[ar:قالب:قالب معلومات]]
[[ar:قالب:قالب معلومات]]
<!-- [[en:Template:Infobox]] -->
[[el:Πρότυπο:Πλαίσιο πληροφοριών]]
[[tr:Şablon:Bilgi kutusu]]
[[vi:Bản mẫu:Infobox]]

2012年7月23日 (一) 16:13的版本

This template is intended as a meta-template: a template used for constructing other templates. It is not meant for use directly in an article, but can be used on a one-off basis if required. See Help:Infobox for an introduction to infoboxes and information on how to design them. See Category:Infobox templates for specific infobox templates.


Usage is similar to {{navbox}}, but with an additional distinction. Each row on the table can contain either a header, or a label/data pair, or just a data cell. These are mutually exclusive states so if you define a row with both a header and a label/data pair, the label/data pair is ignored.

To insert an image somewhere other than at the top of the infobox, or to insert freeform data, use a row with only a data field.

Number ranges

Row numbers may be from 1 to 80 (for situations where more than 80 rows are required, see Embedding below). To allow flexibility when the layout of an infobox is changed, it may be helpful when developing an infobox to use non-contiguous numbers for header and label/data rows. Parameters for new rows can then be inserted in future without having to renumber existing parameters. For example:

|header3  = Section 1
|label5   = Label A
|data5    = Data B
|label7   = Label C
|data7    = Data C
|header10 = Section 2
|label12  = Label D
|data12   = Data D


View/discuss/edit links

If this parameter is present, "view/discuss/edit" links will be added to the bottom of the infobox, pointing to the named template. You can use {{subst:PAGENAME}}.
However this is rarely what you want, because it will send users clicking these links in an infobox in an article to the template code rather than the data in the infobox that they probably want to change.


Text in caption over infobox
Subheader of the infobox
(the rest of the infobox goes here)
Text in uppermost cell of infobox
Subheader of the infobox
Second subheader of the infobox
(the rest of the infobox goes here)

There are two different ways to put a title on an infobox. One contains the title inside the infobox's border, the other puts it on top as a caption. You can use both of them together if you like, or just one or the other, or even neither (though this is not recommended).

Text to put in the caption over top of the table.
Text to put within the uppermost cell of the table.

Optional content

subheader, subheader2 
additional title fields which fit below {{{title}}} and {{{above}}}.
image, image2 
images to display at the top of the template. Use full image syntax, for example [[File:example.png|200px|alt=Example alt text]]. Image is centered by default. See WP:ALT for more on alt text.
caption, caption2 
Text to put underneath the images.
Text to use as a header in row n.
Text to use as a label in row n.
Text to display as data in row n.
Text to put in the bottom cell. The bottom cell is intended for footnotes, see-also, and other such information.
See the embedding section for details.

Note: for any given value for (n), not all combinations of parameters are permitted. The presence of a |header(n)= will cause the corresponding |data(n)=|label(n)= (and |rowclass(n)=, see below) to be ignored; the absence of a |data(n)= will cause the corresponding |label(n)= to be ignored. Valid combinations for any single row are:

  • |header(n)= |class(n)=
  • |data(n)= |rowclass(n)= |class(n)=
  • |label(n)= |data(n)= |rowclass(n)= |class(n)=

See the rendering of header4, label4, and data4 in the examples section below.

Optional CSS styling

Applies to the infobox table as a whole
Applies only to the title caption. Adding a background color is usually inadvisable since the text is rendered "outside" the infobox.
Applies only to the "above" cell at the top. The default style has font-size:large; since this cell is usually used for a title, if you want to use the above cell for regular-sized text include "font-size:medium;" in the abovestyle.
Applies to the cell the image is in. This includes the text of the image caption, but you should set text properties with captionstyle instead of imagestyle in case the caption is moved out of this cell in the future.
Applies to the text of the image caption.
Applies to all header cells
Applies to all label cells
Applies to all data cells
Applies only to the below cell

HTML classes

This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox as a whole.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's title caption.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's "above" cell.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the complete table row the "above" cell is on.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's subheader.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the complete table row the subheader is on.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the image.
imagerowclass1, imagerowclass2 
These parameters are inserted into the "class" attribute for the complete table row the respective images are on.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the specified row including the label or other explanatory text.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the data cell of the specified row. If there's no data cell it has no effect.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's below cell.


This template supports the addition of microformat information. This is done by adding "class" attributes to various data cells, indicating what kind of information is contained within. To flag an infobox as containing hCard information, for example, add the following parameter:

|bodyclass = vcard

And for each row containing a data cell that's part of the vcard, add a corresponding class parameter:

|class1 = fn
|class2 = org
|class3 = tel

...and so forth. "above" and "title" can also be given classes, since these are usually used to display the name of the subject of the infobox.

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Microformats for more information on adding microformat information to Wikipedia, and microformat for more information on microformats in general.

Italic titles

Titles of articles with infoboxes may be made italic, in line with WP:ITALICTITLE, by passing the italic title parameter.

  • Turn on italic titles by passing |italic title={{{italic title|}}} from the infobox.
  • Turn off by default but allow some instances to be made italic by passing |italic title={{{italic title|no}}}
  • Do not make any titles italic by not passing the parameter at all.

Making fields optional

A row with a label but no data is not displayed. This allows for the easy creation of optional infobox content rows. To make a row optional use a parameter that defaults to an empty string, like so:

|label5 = Population
|data5  = {{{population|}}}

This way if an article doesn't define the population parameter in its infobox the row won't be displayed.

For more complex fields with pre-formated contents that would still be present even if the parameter wasn't set, you can wrap it all in an "#if" statement to make the whole thing vanish when the parameter is not used. For instance, the "#if" statement in the following example reads "#if:the parameter mass has been supplied |then display it, followed by 'kg'":

|label6 = Mass
|data6  = {{#if:{{{mass|}}}|{{{mass}}} kg}}

For more on #if, see here.

You can also make headers optional in a similar way. If you want a header to appear only if one or more of the data fields that fall under it are filled, one could use the following pattern as an example of how to do it:

|name    = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
|title   = Example of an optional header
|header1 = {{#if:{{{item_one|}}}{{{item_two|}}}{{{item_three|}}}|Optional header}}
|label2  = Item one
|data2   = {{{item_one|}}}
|label3  = Item two
|data3   = {{{item_two|}}}
|label4  = Item three
|data4   = {{{item_three|}}}

header1 will be shown if any of item_one, item_two, or item_three is defined. If none of the three parameters are defined the header won't be shown.

The trick to this is that the "if" returns false only if there is nothing whatsoever in the conditional section, so only if all three of item_one, item_two and item_three are undefined will the if statement fail.


Test Infobox
Caption for example.png
Header defined alone
Data defined alone
All three defined (header, label, data, all with same number)
Label and data defined (label) Label and data defined (data)
Below text
|name         = Infobox/doc
|bodystyle    = 
|title        = Test Infobox
|titlestyle   = 

|image        = [[File:example.png|200px|alt=Example alt text]]
|imagestyle   = 
|caption      = Caption for example.png
|captionstyle = 
|headerstyle  = background:#ccf;
|labelstyle   = background:#ddf;
|datastyle    = 

|header1 = Header defined alone
|label1  = 
|data1   = 
|header2 = 
|label2  = Label defined alone does not display (needs data, or is suppressed)
|data2   = 
|header3 =
|label3  = 
|data3   = Data defined alone
|header4 = All three defined (header, label, data, all with same number)
|label4  = does not display (same number as a header)
|data4   = does not display (same number as a header)
|header5 =
|label5  = Label and data defined (label)
|data5   = Label and data defined (data)

|belowstyle = background:#ddf;
|below = Below text

Notice how when a label is defined without an accompanying data cell the row doesn't appear in the displayed infobox, and when a header is defined on the same row as a data cell all of them are displayed.

For this example, bodystyle = width:20em; and labelstyle = width:33%;

Test Infobox
Label 1 Data 1
Label 2 Data 2
Label 3 Data 3
Header 4
Label 5 Data 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Below text
|bodystyle   = width:20em;
|name        = Infobox/doc
|title       = Test Infobox
|titlestyle  = 
|headerstyle = 
|labelstyle  = width:33%
|datastyle   = 

|header1 = 
|label1  = Label 1
|data1   = Data 1
|header2 = 
|label2  = Label 2
|data2   = Data 2
|header3 = 
|label3  = Label 3
|data3   = Data 3
|header4 = Header 4
|label4  = 
|data4   = 
|header5 = 
|label5  = Label 5
|data5   = Data 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

|belowstyle = 
|below = Below text


One infobox template can be embedded into another using the |child= parameter. This feature can be used to create a modular infobox, or to create more well defined logical sections.

Top level title
First subsection
Label 1.1 Data 1.1
Second subsection
Label 2.1 Data 2.1
Below text
| title = Top level title
| data1 = {{Infobox
  | child = yes
  | title = First subsection
  | label1= Label 1.1
  | data1 = Data 1.1
| data2 = {{Infobox
  | child = yes
  | title = Second subsection
  | label1= Label 2.1
  | data1 = Data 2.1
|belowstyle = 
|below = Below text

Note, in the examples above, the child infobox is placed in a data field, not a header field. The title will be enclosed in <b>...</b> bold tags, which can create a "double bolding effect" in some browsers if the child infobox is placed in a header field. To place the child infobox in a header field and avoid the double bolding effect, use

Top level title
First subsection
Label 1.1 Data 1.1
Second subsection
Label 2.1 Data 2.1
Below text
| title = Top level title
| header1 = First subsection
  | child = yes
  | label1= Label 1.1
  | data1 = Data 1.1
| header2 = Second subsection
  | child = yes
  | label1= Label 2.1
  | data1 = Data 2.1
|belowstyle = 
|below = Below text

Full blank syntax

(Note: the template currently handles up to 80 rows; only 20 are included here since infoboxes larger than that will be relatively rare. Just extend the numbering as needed. The microformat "class" parameters are also omitted as they are not commonly used.)

|name         = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
|bodystyle    = 
|title        = 
|titlestyle   = 
|above        = 
|abovestyle   = 

|imagestyle   = 
|captionstyle = 

|image        = 
|caption      = 
|image2       = 
|caption2     = 

|headerstyle  = 
|labelstyle   = 
|datastyle    = 

|header1  = 
|label1   = 
|data1    = 
|header2  = 
|label2   = 
|data2    = 
|header3  = 
|label3   = 
|data3    = 
|header4  = 
|label4   = 
|data4    = 
|header5  = 
|label5   = 
|data5    = 
|header6  = 
|label6   = 
|data6    = 
|header7  = 
|label7   = 
|data7    = 
|header8  = 
|label8   = 
|data8    = 
|header9  = 
|label9   = 
|data9    = 
|header10 = 
|label10  = 
|data10   = 
|header11 = 
|label11  = 
|data11   = 
|header12 = 
|label12  = 
|data12   = 
|header13 = 
|label13  = 
|data13   = 
|header14 = 
|label14  = 
|data14   = 
|header15 = 
|label15  = 
|data15   = 
|header16 = 
|label16  = 
|data16   = 
|header17 = 
|label17  = 
|data17   = 
|header18 = 
|label18  = 
|data18   = 
|header19 = 
|label19  = 
|data19   = 
|header20 = 
|label20  = 
|data20   = 

|belowstyle =
|below = 

Porting to other MediaWikis

The infobox template requires the tidy extension to be installed, and may not work with other MediaWikis. The Wikipedia:WikiProject Transwiki has a version of Infobox that has been modified to work on other MediaWikis.

See also